Prayer & Fasting ~
We have been called for such a great task. We have been called to unite together in one voice. The power of unity brings together a Mighty Army of Warriors, Prayer Warriors. We cannot do this alone. Join with us to deploy one of the greatest weapons to defeat Satan and his army, the weapon of Prayer & Fasting!
We begin our fast on Rosh Hashanah which falls on a Wednesday night or Sunday night and continue through Yom Kippur which falls on a Saturday afternoon or Wednesday afternoon. We will do a 21, 30, or 40 day fast.
Every new year in January and February we will do a 21, 30, or 40 day fast. We will fast for God's direction in the new year. We know that during a fast God empowers us for the work He has called us to. It is during these fasts God brings new revelations, dreams, visions, prophetic songs, clarity, confirmations, certainty of His calling, and a new hope He is always with us!
Jewish high holy day "Rosh Hashanah" [lit. "Head of the Year"] , the Jewish New Year, also called the Feast of Trumpets, commemorates the anniversary of the day that Adam was created (Day Six), the first day of Tishrei, 5785 years ago on the Hebrew calendar (2024 Gregorian Calendar year). Rosh Hashanah occurs during our Gregorian calendar month of September or October. It marks the beginning of a 10 day period of prayer, self-examination, and repentance. We express thanks for our blessings. As Christians, we don't see this as a day of Judgment for all creation, but as a celebration of the anniversary of Man's creation. We take this time to reflect what we did this past year and look ahead to our place, purpose, and mission in God's divine order, realizing we are accountable to our Creator, God.
The shofar is used during the proclamation of this anniversary,
And just as the sounding of the shofar demonstrates the result of man's breath, as it is blown into a ram's horn, so is Man the result of God's breath, as it was blown into the dust of the earth.
According to Jewish tradition, it is on this anniversary of Man's formation that God wants to confirm the results of His own blast.
He tells Man to blow back the breath of God, while he listens carefully to the sound.
With each passing anniversary, the result should always be reminiscent of God's own breath, and to the extent that it is, the signature of God is recognizable.
Jewish high holy day- The name “Yom Kippur” means “Day of Atonement,” and that pretty much explains what the holiday is. It is a day set aside to “afflict the soul,” to atone for the sins of the past year.
For believers in Yeshua, the observance of Yom Kippur can hold special significance. The repentance started at Rosh Hashanah comes to a culmination with atonement ten days later.
Blessed be the Lord God, who has secured our salvation in Yeshua the Messiah! That is what Yom Kippur is all about for those who call on his name.
1.ABSOLUTE FAST- drinking only water. Not recommended for those with medical concerns. Drink filtered or bottled water with fresh squeeze of lemon wedge to strengthen your liver as your body detoxifies.
2.LIQUID FAST- drinking only liquids, some make their own fruit and vegetable juices.
3.DANIEL FAST- fruit, vegetables, whole grains, unprocessed foods, no sugary items, non-caffeinated & carbonated drinks, no meats including any animal protein foods like eggs, cheese, dairy products.
4.PARTIAL FAST- similar to Liquid Fast, but drink protein drinks, smoothies, pureed soups, etc. (We freeze a banana and blend it in our protein smoothies.)
5.PARTIAL FAST- similar to Daniel Fast, but eat dairy products, eat eggs, eat only white meats at times during an extended fast.
6.PARTIAL FAST- where you select something to stop while you set yourself apart for pray and meditation to hear from God. For example: don't watch TV, don't drink coffee, limit computer time, etc.
Be prepared when starting a food type of fast, that you will have periods of headaches for the first 3 days, as your body will be detoxifying. Be sure to drink lots of water during your fast. If following the Absolute or Liquid Fast, you will feel hungry the first 3 days, then hunger will subside as your body feeds off your bodies' reserves.
**Special Tips—When following any of the above spiritual fasts, especially the fasts with water or liquid only, take “Bentonite Detox”- a liquified clay supplement added to water that will help absorb the toxins in your body and relieve the headaches as your body detoxifies.
“Psyllium Husk Fiber Capsules” will supplement the necessary fibers your body needs to help cleanse the colon and also prevent diarrhea when on a liquid or partial liquid fast.
"Pro-biotic capsules" along with "Digestive Enzyme capsules" will aid in proper digestion to cleanse your digestive system. Fasting helps rejuvenate your health while cleansing the body of toxins.
Don't go out and eat a steak dinner. You will make yourself sick!!
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
I Thessalonians 5:16-18
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